Fruit Shop Site

Here's how to find our shop.

By car

Drive along Main Street to the intersection with First Avenue.  Look for our sign.

By foot

From the center of town, walk north on Main Street until you see our sign.

By bus

Take the #73 Bus to the last stop. We are on the north east corner.

Welcome to the Fruit Shop

We sell fruits from around the world. Please use our website to learn more about our business. We hope you will come to our shop and buy some fruit.

This mini site will show you how you might want to set up a site for a business, in this case one selling fruit. It shows how to use access controls to manage your site content. If you were building a real site, you would might want to extend it with e-commerce, a catalog, mailing lists or other enhancements, many of which are available through the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

To understand this site you will probably want to make one user with groups set to customer and one with group set to grower. By logging in with different privileges you can see how access control works.

Watermelon is a wonderful and healthy treat. We grow the world's sweetest watermelon. We have the largest watermelon patch in our country.

At our orchard we grow the world's best oranges as well as other citrus fruit such as lemons and grapefruit. Our family has been tending this orchard for generations.

Ce spun clientii nostri

  Cerga Costinel Si eu si sotia suntem foarte linistiti la Magnolia. Am facut si botezul copilului la biserica din cartier. Casa am amenajat-o atat la interior cat si la exterior cum ne doream.

  Florin Mitrache - Reprezentant  vanzari RomstalAm o casa cu parter in cartierul Magnolia si sunt foarte multumit, aerul e mai curat decat in oras, temperatura e mai scazuta vara cu cateva grade, e liniste, nu este trafic. Avem multe flori si pomi in curte, sotia se ocupa de gradina. Asteptam sa se deschida gradinita.   
Ciupitu Ion - Prorector Universitatea din Craiova Locuim de un an si jumatate in cartierul Magnolia si ne simtim foarte bine din punct de vedere al mediului, cat si a colaborarii cu administratia cartierului. In fiecare seara, pe timp de vara, ne ocupam de gradina. Este cu totul altceva decat la bloc, sanatate curata.

Calbureanu Madalina - Profesor universitar Facultatea de MecanicaSuntem de 5 ani in cartier. Sotul meu a ales sa cumparam o casa aici, iar eu am fost foarte fericita. Suntem incantati ca se extinde cartierul, avem biserica, au venit si gazele. Este aer curat, iar terenurile de sport sunt folosite mereu de copiii nostri.  

Robert Ungureanu - Administrator SC ROBEST COM SRL Am cumparat una din primele case care au fost construite in cartierul Magnolia. Am amenajat totul intr-un stil mai aparte. Sunt sigur ca se va dezvolta mult cartierul Magnolia, se construieste continuu. Din ce in ce mai multi oameni se muta de la bloc la casa. Copiii cresc la aer curat, au locuri de joaca, sunt in siguranta.

Avram Constantin - Director vanzari Auto KappaAm o casa in cartier si intentionez sa mai cumpar un teren. Vrem sa amenajam o curte mai mare, cu spatiu de joaca pentru copii. Asteptam sa se termine cu racordarea la gaze

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